You Lord are my shepherd,
You guard me to keep me safe;
You Lord are my savior,
You pull me out of early graves.
You Lord are my light,
You shine Your love ahead of me;
You Lord are my peace,
You comfort me and heal grief.
You Lord are my strength,
You fill when my heart is weak;
You Lord are my sovereign hero,
You alone are my victory!
You Lord are my forgiveness,
You are my lifelong friend;
Only You are worthy of my trust,
My only hope until the end.
August 8, 2O12
Psalm 23 is an easy psalm to love. Most Christians count it one of their favorites: to be sure it covers all the necessities of life. Truth is you can't love this psalm and not love the shepherd, Yeshua (Jesus), He's the one whose leading and guiding, saving, protecting, comforting, preparing sustenance, anointing for service (more protection!), and all 'round providing the strength we need to move forward from grace to grace until our final destination is in sight.
The reason David began his sheep song with "I shall not want" is because he realized the Lord is everything he needs! Let us delineate the heart and the flesh: the heart is spiritual, the flesh (carnal desires) is not. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, don't lean (bend toward) your own understanding (what you think you know). Acknowledge His leading, follow Him; the Shepherd of your soul will guide you in safety (the right path).
What do you want out of life? How do you expect to get it? The world offers many ways to "succeed" and :-) be happy. The Bible - the blueprint for a godly life the way God designed it - proposes a fairly simple two-step plan: "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
Find real peace in Jesus and enjoy!
Turn to the left,
Turn to the right;
Stand up - Sit down,
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Come to Jesus,
Your strength won't last;
Surrender your pride,
Learn how to laugh.
Fall in the dark,
Look for the light;
Fall down - Get up,
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Come to Jesus,
Your peace will not last;
Surrender your weary heart,
Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!