Just a little graceIs all it takes
To turn a dying heart
Into a born-again smile
Just a little grace
Is all it takes
To help a suffering soul
Through a difficult trial
Just a little grace
Is really all it takes
To fill a reprobate mind
With God's abundant love
To point to Jesus
Tell about His Life and Cross
A little sovereign grace
Is just enoughJeffree!!!
July 2009
Read: 1 John 1:5-7
John utilizes metaphor in today’s text: “God is light.” John restates the theme from his Gospel, recounting that this metaphor comes from Jesus. This is not an assertion that God is electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye; to say “God is light” is not to speak literally of God’s physical makeup, but rather to describe God symbolically. The metaphor of light and darkness is used throughout the Bible in various ways (cf. Ps. 27:1; 36:9; John 1:4—5; 8:12; 12:46). In our passage today, it communicates that God is completely pure and holy, without sin or defect.
Three sentences beginning with “if we claim” follow verse 5 (vv. 6, 8, 10). The first clarifies how we have the fellowship with God mentioned in yesterday’s passage. We cannot have fellowship with God and continue walking in darkness, the realm in which sinful behavior and attitudes prevail, the realm contrary to His holiness (v. 6). Verse 7 explodes in contrast to verse 6. John teaches that walking in the light not only confirms our fellowship with God but also our fellowship with one another. Implicitly, John pleads that if we claim to have fellowship with God, we will be reconciled to one another.
“How can unholy, sinful people walk in the light of God’s presence?” John anticipates this question and points to Jesus’ saving and transforming work on the cross (v. 7). Through the blood of Jesus we are purified and set free from the realm of darkness and welcomed into fellowship with God to walk in His glorious light.

2009 Moody Bible Institute • www.todayintheword.org