Monday, July 13, 2009


Hello friends, Ev' and I are flying to Austin tomorrow
afternoon to take part in our nephew Nathan's wedding
celebration on Saturday; so unless someone leaves me
in a room with a computer this will be the last poem
for a week or so; please pray for us all if you think to.
My darling Evelyn sent me this encouragement today
which prompted the following poem. Love, Jeff & Ev'


In our desperate hours...

Look ahead and see
What you want to be;
You can believe in a guess,
Or believe God knows best.

Look forward and trust
It is God who gave us The Truth;
You can be free from chains of sin,
You have spent your whole life in.

Look inward and smile,
Your life on earth lasts just a while;
The joy that is coming is certain and sure,
When you put your faith in God who is the future.

Look outward and share
The hope you have with all who need The Life;
They too will know the wonderful joy of grace,
From the hand of God who is The Way.

Look upward and worship
God who is worthy of our praise;
We are His and He is ours,
In our desperate hours.

JULY 13, 2009