Wednesday, April 27, 2011


"The Lord is my light and my salvation ... wait patiently for the Lord."

Watching for dawn,
The Lord is my light;
Waiting for heaven,
The Lord is my light.

Encircled by enemies,
The Lord is my light;
Praying for peace,
The Lord is my light.

Seeking redemption,
The Lord is my light;
Finding God's Son,
The Lord is my light.

Watching the night,
The Lord is my light;
Waiting for morning,
The Lord is my light.



Psalm 27
A psalm of David.

1 The LORD is my light and my salvation,
 so why should I be afraid?
The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger,
 so why should I tremble?
2 When evil people come to devour me,
 when my enemies and foes attack me,
 they will stumble and fall.
3 Though a mighty army surrounds me,
 my heart will not be afraid.
Even if I am attacked,
 I will remain confident.
4 The one thing I ask of the LORD,
 the thing I seek most
is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life,
 delighting in the LORD's perfections
 and meditating in his Temple.
5 For he will conceal me there when troubles come;
 he will hide me in his sanctuary.
 He will place me out of reach on a high rock.
6 Then I will hold my head high
 above my enemies who surround me.
At his sanctuary I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy,
 singing and praising the LORD with music.
7 Hear me as I pray, O LORD.
 Be merciful and answer me!
8 My heart has heard you say, "Come and talk with me."
 And my heart responds, "LORD, I am coming."
9 Do not turn your back on me.
 Do not reject your servant in anger.
 You have always been my helper.
Don't leave me now; don't abandon me,
 O God of my salvation!
10 Even if my father and mother abandon me,
 the LORD will hold me close.
11 Teach me how to live, O LORD.
 Lead me along the right path,
 for my enemies are waiting for me.
12 Do not let me fall into their hands.
 For they accuse me of things I've never done;
 with every breath they threaten me with violence.
13 Yet I am confident I will see the LORD's goodness
 while I am here in the land of the living.
14 Wait patiently for the LORD.
 Be brave and courageous.
 Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.

Ch. Spurgeon's MORNING and EVENING

"Wait on the Lord." 
             -- Psalms 27:14

It may seem an easy thing to wait, but it is one of the postures which a Christian soldier learns not without years of teaching. Marching andquick-marching are much easier to God's warriors than standing still. There are hours of perplexity when the most willing spirit, anxiously desirous to serve the Lord, knows not what part to take. Then what shall it do? Vex itself by despair? Fly back in cowardice, turn to the right hand in fear, or rush forward in presumption? No, but simply wait. Wait in prayer, however. Call upon God, and spread the case before him; tell him your difficulty, and plead his promise of aid. In dilemmas between one duty and another, it is sweet to be humble as a child, and wait with simplicity of soul upon the Lord. It is sure to be well with us when we feel and know our own folly, and are heartily willing to be guided by the will of God. But wait in faith. Express your unstaggering confidence in him; for unfaithful, untrusting waiting, is but an insult to the Lord. Believe that if he keep you tarrying even till midnight, yet he will come at the right time; the vision shall come and
shall not tarry. Wait in quiet patience, no rebelling because you are under the affliction, but blessing your God for it. Never murmur against the second cause, as the children of Israel did against Moses; never wish you could go back to the world again, but accept the case as it is, and put it as it stands, simply and with your whole heart, without any self-will, into the hand of your covenant God, saying, "Now, Lord, not my will, but thine be done. I know not what to do; I am brought to extremities, but I will wait until thou shalt cleave the floods, or drive back my foes. I will wait, if thou keep me many a day, for my heart is fixed upon thee alone, O God, and my spirit waiteth for thee in the full conviction that thou wilt yet be my joy and my salvation, my refuge and my strong tower."