Monday, October 26, 2009


 Whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed 
to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn
among many brethren. — Romans 8:29


Long, long before this world knew my name,
My Father God in Heaven already chose my frame;
He fitted me and worked out how I'd come to know His Son,
And watched me as I learned to walk in the Finished work He'd done.

Everyday a little closer, everyday a little bit more,
My Father God in Heaven brought His purpose to the fore;
Like a potter He would mold me, as a shepherd He would lead,
And guide me with His Spirit to a pasture-land of Truth that set me free.

Nearer Lord I feel You, in this holy faith I see Your face, 
My Father God in Heaven bring me Home to be with You today;
Jesus, You're my Master, You're my Brother, my Redeemer and my Lord,
You are the only worthy reason for living and only living cause worth dying for.

Long, long after this old world falls apart,
My Father UP in Heaven will be creating new joys in my heart;
Life on earth will end my friend so put away your senseless reasons,
Take your step of faith into a new and living way and come closer to Jesus.